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Ross's Story

Ross Alan Paterson

Ross Alan Paterson was born 7 weeks prematurely weighing in at just under 7 pounds.  He was a fighter even from that date and breathed unassisted and thrived very quickly. He grew into a boisterous lad, always climbing, jumping and falling.  He loved dressing up in his superhero outfits and doing battles with his friends.

Although born in Glasgow, he moved from there to Ireland and to Taunton in 1999.  He attended St George’s Primary School in town, and then went onto Heathfield Community School.  His flair for creative writing took him to study his A levels at Richard Huish College and thereafter onto Portsmouth University, where he gained a degree in journalism in 2012.  His life’s ambition was to be a sports journalist.

Whilst applying for jobs he worked part-time night shifts at Sainsbury’s in town.  He spent his spare time playing football and chucking an American football around in Ruishton Park with his mates, as American NFL was another passion of his.  Being a typical sports fanatic, he would also regularly play tennis in Vivary Park and Wellsprings.

Also typical of his age and generation, he enjoyed a night out with his friends in town, but owing to a lack of funds, that was not a frequent occurrence.  However on Saturday 15 March 2014 he did go for a night out with friends in Taunton, the only unusual and extraordinary thing about that night was that he was never to return home.

In the early hours of the 16 March 2014, Ross was tragically and brutally killed on the O’Bridge Viaduct by a taxi as he walked home from his night out.

At just 23 years of age, Ross had his entire life ahead of him, but instead all his dreams and aspirations and those of his parents and family were wiped out in an instant.

Due to the expense of taxis and his limited means, Ross always walked everywhere around town and being a typical 23 year old lad he saw himself as invincible and unaware of the dangers that lurk for young men and women as they get home from a highly enjoyable night out with friends. 

Ross was no different from any other young man or woman out in town that night, just that the decision he took led him into the path of his fate.

Ross was a fun filled character who was much loved by all.  He was a beautiful and loving son, a caring and supportive brother, cousin, nephew, grandson, friend and colleague.  If you are reading this then you may be the exact same or a daughter, sister, niece, grand-daughter.  You may even be a husband or wife or parent.  No matter how you are described you will leave a wake of devastation for your loved ones if anything happens to you on your way home from a night out in town.

Ross’s family are trying to rebuild their shattered lives after this tragedy which could have been prevented. 


By visiting this website, you are beginning to give some thought as to how you may return safe to the security of your home in the early hours after a night out or as a parent, sibling or partner, to give your closest ones sound advice to ensure that they return to you safe and sound.

I implore you to heed the advice provided and take the simple precautions and measures before your night out gets underway and ensure that you Get Home Safe!

Gerry Paterson
Ross’s Dad

Stay together, Stay safe

Our Mission

We aim to raise awareness about the importance of staying safe on nights out and having a plan for getting home safe.

Our Mission

Our Vision

Safe streets and available knowledge for people to get home safely after a night out.

We Need Your Support Today!

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